Emotional Leadership Coaching is for CEOs and senior level executives looking for a year long coaching program to focus on the one or two behaviors they want to stop to be a better leader.
The Emotional Leadership Coaching process is as follows:
The coaching program is based on The Emotional Leader Program and comprises more than 90 hours of client assessment, one-on-one and telephone client coaching consultations, and informant interviews. You also receive feedforward development reports from emotional intelligence assessments and informant interviews:
- Executive Briefing (1 Hr): Coach meets with Client / CEO / C Level Executive (as required).
- Keynote Seminar (2 Hrs): Client reviews a 1-hour online video on the introduction to the coaching program, emotional intelligence constructs, and how emotion can influence intelligence to develop emotional intelligence practice and is introduced to The Emotional Leader Program.
- Client Assessments:
- Emotional Intelligence Measurement and Reporting (Time 1): Leader completes the online MSCEIT™ performance test and EQ-i® and Genos EI self-report emotional intelligence tests. Dr. Gosling provides a comprehensive written report summarizing the assessment findings and outlining development opportunities.
- Genos EI 360: The client may choose to complete the Genos EI 360 (Time 1 & 2) for an additional fee of USD$540. In this event, the client will select up to 6 raters from managers, direct reports, peers, and customers/clients to score their Genos EI 360.
- Motivational Assessment: The Genos Employee Motivation Assessment (GEMA) comprises a core list of individual motivational drives that helps individuals compare what they are motivated by in four areas with what they are actually experiencing within their Role, Manager, Team, and Organization and how to close gaps that might exist through an action-planning tool kit of ideas.
- Client Self-Assessment Questionnaire: Client completes the questionnaire for Coach.
- Client Assessment Interview and Reporting (2 Hrs): by Skype or telephone call.
- Client Feedback & Planning Session (2 Hrs): This session is scheduled once the client has completed his or her 10-Steps To A Development Plan.
- Review Development Plan (1 Hr): Coach / Client / Manager review the client’s 10-Steps To A Development Plan and agree on the proposed behaviour development goals.
- Administration of Online Informant Reports (Time 1): Client nominates up to six stakeholders (managers, peers, direct reports, clients, customers, and vendors) to complete an online 360-multi-rater mini survey to assist in his/her development.
- Client Completes The Emotional Leader Program Modules. Access via my online membership site.
- Executive Coaching: 34 hours of executive briefing, keynote seminar, client assessment and reviews and one-on-one executive coaching is conducted over eight months. Feedforward and follow-up email and telephone coaching is provided throughout the year-long coaching period.
- Emotional Intelligence Measurement (Time 2): Coaching clients and raters (where applicable) complete the MSCEIT™ and EQ-i® individual and Genos EI 360 emotional intelligence tests. The same raters will be used as in Time 1 online tests. (Retest after minimum 12 month period).
- Administration of Online Informant Reports (Time 2): Client nominates up to six stakeholders (managers, peers, direct reports, clients, customers, and vendors) to complete an online 360-multi-rater mini survey to assist in your development. (Retest after 12 months).
- Post-Program FeedForward Session (2 Hrs): Review and evaluation of the coaching program and further action steps. This reinforcement session is the final part of your Emotional Leader coaching program. It is to help you identify areas in which you may have improved or not improved your emotional intelligence and why and set an action plan.
Your total investment in the Emotional Leadership Coaching program is AUD$30,000 – all of which is due and payable now in advance of your program.
For program charges for international travel and accommodation outside South East Queensland, please contact Dr. Gosling.
You understand that you will get The Emotional Leader Program manual and workbook, The Emotional Leader Playbook, personal emotional intelligence development reports, additional grounding and course study material in your yearlong membership of my membership site and 24 hours executive coaching with me.
To commence your Emotional Leadership Coaching, contact me for registration and payment details.
Prior to conducting your Emotional Leadership Coaching let’s meet for your initial coaching consultation to review where you are at, see if we are a good fit for each other, and how we may conduct ongoing coaching.
I look forward to meeting you,
Dr. Mike Gosling
Coaching To Manage Emotions & Behaviour