Hi there!

I’m Mike Gosling

If you’ve been feeling overwhelmed by personal and professional challenges, you’re in the right place. That was me 25+ years ago – full of dreams but without any understanding of emotions. Fast forward today, and I’ve built a strong system for leadership coaching to help you build right relationships at work with emotional intelligence.

It’s just step by step, a system driven by the same vision that you hold … to make a difference, to be a better person, to build the right relationships at work. Now I’m excited to pass on the steps I took to increase my understanding of emotions, my own and others, to increase my influence and to improve performance. 

I help leaders challenge overwork, rediscover their purpose, to feel at ease with their relationships at work and at home, and to rebalance their lives to beat chronic stress. Stress comes typically not from the volume of work you have to accomplish, but from how you feel about yourself and others and the relationships you experience with the people around you.

Growth and effectiveness are intimately tied to the quality of our peer relationships. When engaging with trusted equals, people see us more fully and speak to us more freely.

I am accredited in Marshall Goldsmith’s Stakeholder Centered Coaching. This approach, together with measurable improvements in emotional intelligence, provides guaranteed and measurable leadership growth. The process enables motivated successful leaders to be more effective through positive behaviour change that is sustained and recognised by others.

Researchers from TalentSmart have found that 90 per cent of society’s high-performers have an elevated EQ (EI) – and they earn nearly $30,000 more every year on average. Research shows that the road to higher income is paved with the quality of your relationships.

Research has also shown that emotional intelligence is the strongest predictor of high performance and explains 58% of your success. Research conducted by Gallup has found that the emotional intelligence of leaders directly correlates to employee tenure and productivity, with most employees caring more about their relationship with their boss more than their salary. 

Emotional intelligence is a key ingredient in successful leadership and can be developed through practice. Improved EI could make you a higher salary per year as compared to people with lower levels of emotional intelligence, if that is your goal.

What if you could control your environment so it triggered your most desired behaviour?

As an executive educator and emotional intelligence coach, I help people understand how our beliefs and the environments we operate in can trigger negative behaviours. Through simple and practical advice, I help people achieve and sustain lasting positive behavioural change.

I help motivated successful leaders master communication and emotional intelligence skills faster to build the right relationships at work and become effective leaders in your environment.

Today’s technological advancements, globalisation, and the constant media stream make modern work feel like a never-ending flow of tasks and responsibilities. But that is all the more reason why we need to take the time and space to rest, breathe, and change our environment.

I give you the clarity, courage, and tools you need to build the right relationships using my 5-phase system for behavioural change, applying Marshall Goldsmith’s eight steps to engage with stakeholders: Ask, Listen, Think, Thank, Respond, Involve, Change, and Follow Up.

It’s the same secrets I’ve used to help CEO’s, C-Level Executives, VP’s, Directors, Senior Managers, and Business Owners from barely clinging on to a failing job or business and now giving them emotional control, undeniable confidence, and the empathy of an approachable, consistent leader skilled in emotional intelligence for much better relationships at work and at home.

And I’m the one person that successful leaders in frustrating unhappy positions at work come to… when nothing else in their personal development has worked out for them.

Leadership is relationship. Leadership is about conviction. A leader’s duty is to your people – to do what is fundamentally right to do for your people. Leadership is acting with emotional intelligence toward others with conviction to build right relationships at work and at home.

I do one thing well and one thing only. And this one thing I do is – help leaders build the right relationships at work fast without them spending a massive amount of time and money attending expensive courses and seminars to solve their issue.

Your problem is you are struggling with personal and professional challenges, wanting to be a better person and colleague to build right relationships, BUT never achieving real change.

You want massively improved communication and influence in your workplace to build trust, but you procrastinate. You keep telling yourself that you’re too busy and haven’t got time for coaching.

You continually question your own performance, feel angry, anxious, or stressed about your perceived failure of leadership, and never achieve your desired promotion or income goals.

You see… If you are a leader who currently is reactive and impatient, or avoidant and anxious, toward people, they will pick up quickly that you don’t want to be disturbed or more likely see you as being unapproachable, which reduces their trust in you. This does not match up with what you want to be or how you want to be seen.

You want to be seen as a good leader, fair, generous, kind, and approachable. So, you need to learn how to put a “gap” between your perception and your response to all events you encounter so you can choose to respond positively. You need to be an authentic, open, approachable, empathic, and consistent leader as this wins back trust among others with whom you connect and helps build quality relationships.

“How do I do that?” I hear you asking. I can help – this is what I do.

Your goal must be to become an effective transformative and influential leader skilled at forming and sustaining strong relationships at work through improved communication and emotional intelligence skills that gain you self-awareness, trust, respect, inclusion, and open communication to improve productivity and team performance.

Transformative leaders know how to encourage, inspire, and motivate employees to perform in ways that create meaningful change and results. They remain optimistic (hopeful and confident) about their future goals and are skilled at giving meaning to the tasks at hand.

Influential leaders strongly influence the course of events. They are keenly aware of their own patterns of behaviour so they are able to effectively manage their own inner voice, emotions, conflicts, and the emotions of others.

Be warned… Working out how to put effective transformative influential leadership together from scratch can take months, even years, of trial and error and hours of Googling… but with my leadership coaching you’ll get all the information you need in one neat little package along with my personal support.

We’ll work together quickly and closely to get you your desired goal!

I’ve packed all the learning from my 27 years of  business experience, emotional intelligence education, professional teaching, and coaching into The Emotional Leader System so you don’t have to go through this quagmire alone or spend months making mistakes. So, you can stop thinking about resigning now or being let go. We can fix this! Here’s how…

Mike is the only executive leadership coach in the world to promise you the right relationships at work within 90-days by mastering communication and emotional intelligence skills… or he’ll work with you until you do.

The Coaching Program:

My executive leadership coaching program, The Emotional Leader System (TELS), is multi-layered focusing on the leader engaging with their Stakeholders through effective communication guided by your coach and building your emotional intelligence to understand and manage personal and professional challenges and be a better person and colleague.

The Emotional Leader System framework has 5 phases incorporating stakeholder centered coaching and is designed to ensure that by the end of the 24 weeks the coachees have successfully built the right reationships at work using improved emotional intelligence and new communication skills. 

the emotional leader system

Marshall Goldsmith’s Stakeholder Centered Coaching is a highly effective and time efficient process emphasising implementation and follow-through.

This model is working with stakeholders guided by your coach applying Marshall’s eight steps: Ask, Listen, Think, Thank, Respond, Involve, Change, and Follow Up.

TELS can be used by anyone at any position and is not exclusively designed for leaders and executives.

stakeholder centered coaching

So Who Am I?

So, who the heck am I and why should you trust me to teach you about how to build the right relationships at work fast and take you from where you are to where you want to be?

Excellent question!

As an Executive Leadership Coach to 45 individual successful high-achieving leaders worldwide and educator and trainer to hundreds more in live seminars and corporate trainings, I have spent 27 years systemising and developing this Executive Leadership Coaching Blueprint,  all while working with clients one-on-one and spending over $150,000 on my BA (Acc), MBA and Ph.D. in emotional intelligence educational qualifications, books, seminars, workshops, online courses, and specialty training in three emotional intelligence psychometric assessments over this period of time, just to solve your specific problem of how to build the right relationships at work.

I am co-founder of Gosling International, my coaching and counselling organisation, where I teach a very simple but unique system to take your position to a whole new level, and stop exchanging your time for arguments, workplace disputes and complaints, and saying “sayonara” to leadership conflicts and personal doubts. My blueprint goes against many things you’ve been taught in “old school” models.

I have been an Executive Leadership Coach in my own practice since 1997 with my wife Karen, an experienced specialist Marriage and ADHD/ASD counsellor, based in Singapore and Australia working with clients worldwide in emotional intelligence, leadership coaching, psychology, and cognitive-behavioural therapy. I became a Marshall Goldsmith Certified Executive Coach in 2004.

I have extensive knowledge of business and business practice. Prior to running my own business for 27 years, I was for many years a senior manager in manufacturing and retail, company and certified practising accountant, and university academic in accounting, finance, and entrepreneurship in Australia and Singapore. 

My coaching style is engaging and interactive, encouraging the participation of stakeholders, teaching/explaining elements of the process, and providing general personal support and advice where required. If you search for my name in Google, you’ll find many entries for my work.

I’m a world-renowned expert in applying emotional intelligence for leadership success and author of two books: Emotional Leadership. Using emotionally intelligent behaviour to enjoy a life of EASE and EmotionMatters. How To Reduce Your Stress And Achieve Wellness.

So, if you’re looking for someone who knows what they’re talking about when it comes to best-practice leadership coaching via online practice resources and one-on-one coaching, you’ve come to the right place. And I’m on a mission to get you to build the right relationships at work.

More on that later, but for now, keep reading to learn more…

Executive leadership coaching helps successful leaders get even better – by achieving positive, lasting change in behaviour: for themselves, their people and their teams. I teach you to be the perfect communicator, to thoroughly equip you for having influential relationships at work. I help you engage with your stakeholders. 

I prepare you for character changes so you take what you know and learn and apply it in your life. I show you the opportunity I give you to apply your emotional intelligence to any situation at work or at home. Your new character will come from your belief in The Emotional Leader System process that helps you address challenges, develop new skills, take on new roles, and earn $30,000 more every year on average. 

You know what is important and needed for your growth and personal development. You know what you are not good at and why you fail to grow your business or get promoted. So, you know you have access here today to the knowledge, skills, and “hands-on” support from me that you know are important and needed to be the transformative influential leader you want to be, but you have to reach out and put them into play, put them into practice. These new skills will surpass your hesitancy to act.

If you would be interested, I want to offer you a free leadership coaching session (no strings attached), to help you become a transformative influential leader step by step so you can build the right relationships at work fast.

If it’s a fit, we can discuss how I can help. If not, you will have gained actionable insights about how to be a better person and colleague and build strong meaningful relationships that improve performance – I guarantee this will be the best 45-minutes you spend on yourself this week.   

Book a free leadership coaching session with me here.

Life is Good!
Mike Gosling
Executive Leadership Coach

Book a free 45-mins leadership coaching session with Mike. 

mike gosling corporate clients


eqi certification

 MHS Certified Practitioner
Emotional Quotient-Inventory
8 August 2002

genos certifed

Genos 360° Certified Practitioner
7 December 2005

langley msceit

MSCEIT™ Certified Practitioner
Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test™
8 August 2002

marshall goldsmith certified coach
marshall goldsmith 7 steps
7-Step Stakeholder Centered Coaching

Marshall Goldsmith Certified Executive Coach
14 September 2004


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