I work with high-potential leaders to create positive lasting behavioural change designed to lift personal and organisational productivity by 21.5% across 2025


Your own personalised emotional intelligence and communication skills coaching solution to master productivity and performance in the workplace in less than 90-Days

How to overcome limiting beliefs and behaviours to build strong impactful relationships at work that increase business results and measure how well you are instrumental in reaching intended goals

PLUS… before our meeting starts, I’ll hand you my $197 pre-training for FREE!

When’s the last time that you learned a new skill? When’s the last time you turned your weakness into your strength? “When’s the last time you practised it?” 


mike gosling executive coach

Hi, I’m Dr Mike Gosling

Want to be empowered to achieve your goals and see progress through personal measurable results from emotional intelligence assessments and stakeholder 360 reviews?

Then focus on my communication and emotional intelligence skills coaching solution to achieve positive lasting change in behaviour; for yourself, your people, and your teams.

Here’s why — have you ever wondered WHY you’re struggling to be a different kind of leader for your business?

I’LL LET YOU IN ON A LITTLE SECRET – The rules of leading have changed… and as a result, you’re getting beaten by smarter emotionally intelligent leaders.

Huh? That’s right, it has nothing to do with your technical ability. It has EVERYTHING to do with your emotional leadership skills.

High-EI leaders are skilled at navigating the complexities of human interaction, promoting a work environment that values and inspires employees. 

Armed with these skills, an effective leader can build a workplace where teams are engaged and eager to give their utmost every day to lift personal and organisational productivity by 21.5% across 2025.

Finally! You’re going to discover the rules for winning at leading

Do you know what those rules are?

ANSWER: Motivated successful leaders today are using a secret system that transforms them into an emotionally intelligent leader… challenges their beliefs about themselves… and gives them emotional control, undeniable confidence, and the empathy of an approachable, consistent leader.

And if you were using that system too then your results could be completely different.

You know what is important and needed for your personal development.

You know what you are not good at! 

You have access here today to the knowledge, skills, and “hands-on” support from Coach Mike that you know are important and needed to be a transformative influential leader, but you have to reach out and put them into play, into practice. These new skills will surpass your hesitancy to act.

Maximise your performance and reach your peak potential.

Are you a leader who:

  • gets easily irritated and  frustrated with direct reports, colleagues, or higher-ups and shows it

  • is always imposing your views and ridiculing others in meetings

  • has no idea about how your constant negativity and annoying behaviour impacts others

  • cannot function well when feeling overwhelmed and immobilised with fear and anxiety, setting off a stress response

  • gets angry quickly when having to deal with feelings of being attacked, misunderstood, criticised, or told what to do

emotional intelligence

The Emotional Leader System(TELS) is a complete 5-Phase leadership journey for CEO’s, C-Level Executives, Senior Managers, Entrepreneurs, and Business Owners as they navigate a disruptive world to inspire, motivate, and grow the business and themselves. You need to be a different kind of leader who wants to out-think, out-grow, and out communicate anyone in your workplace to:

  • Drive impact across and beyond the business…
  • Be authentic, open, and approachable…
  • Be inclusive, empathic, and consistent…
  • Be driven and agile, able to perform and transform yourself and the business!
  • Win Back TRUST By Achieving Positive Lasting Change In Behaviour (With Improved Influence And Performance)
the emotional leader system

The Personalised Coaching Solution That I’m About To Show You Could Change Your Life FOREVER

the emotional leader system

THE RESULTS — Leaders with a high-level of trust and respect are better able to:

  • relate to and connect with others
  • understand and empathise with others
  • manage their own emotions and the emotions of others
  • cope with stress and keep emotions under control

THIS is the missing link that you always knew existed – but could never work out

I want to personally invite you to complete my coaching application where I’ll walk you step-by-step through my personalised coaching solution in a FREE 45-minute Zoom call (real value $497) which will change your results forever.

You’ll never see leadership the same way again.

And you’ll never again be a victim to these problems.

For example… Richard sought coaching for his overbearing manner in meetings.

He constantly imposed his own views and ridiculed other staff for theirs.

He was told by higher-ups to seek coaching or lose any opportunity for promotion.

Richard contacted Mike for coaching where he came to understand and manage his emotional intelligence and learned skills to drop his bad behaviour of putting others down and getting irritable real fast, which we discovered were related to adult ADHD. I helped him explore and address those issues as well.

Richard soon received a more senior promotion with a top salary.

What if YOU discovered on THIS strategy call the one thing that’s been holding you back?

What if it meant that you too could BREAK FREE from behaviour that is the reason for the discrepancy between what you say you want and what you actually experience on a daily basis and feel more confident about the future.

It would be worthwhile attending, yes?

If you don’t sacrifice for what you want… what you want becomes the sacrifice.

If you really want to work with me, this is your opportunity to let me know why.

As your coach I will work one-on-one with you to help you achieve your vision. I will facilitate your interactions with your 6-8 stakeholders who connect with you on the human-to-human level, so you learn direct from them how successful you have been in reaching your personal behavioural goals.

Hit the “SUBMIT YOUR APPLICATION NOW” button below to register (before it’s too late)…

Book a free leadership coaching session with me here.


A) Because showing you everything DOES NOT affect my business in any way.

And B) Because you may decide that once I show you how to improve your emotional intelligence and have a $30K salary increase, you may want to become a coaching client of mine some time in the future.

If you do, great! If you don’t, no problem.

And even if you don’t, I’m going to teach you everything anyway.


Because when you apply I can take you step-by-step through my personalised coaching solution and make sure I don’t lose you along the way.

PLUS… it means you can also ask any me question you like. This way, you can leave with 100% clarity on how to use your personalised coaching solution in your life and business.



Before We Even Meet, I’m Going To Show You The ONE Reason You’re Not Gaining The Respect And Trust of Coworkers, Not Getting That Promotion, And Not Making $30,000 More A Year.

You want results NOW, right? So before we even meet on our LIVE Zoom call, I’m going to give you my PRE-TRAININGS that will show you how to get engaged again as an effective leader… AND FAST! 

Click the 3 Pre-Training Links below to learn more and then Click on “SUBMIT MY APPLICATION” to apply for my coaching.

coach mike gosling

— PRE-TRAINING #1 – The 1 reason why you’re not gaining respect and trust with Coworkers
— PRE-TRAINING #2 – Mindset is everything. Are you heading out the gate with the right attitude, the right vision
— PRE-TRAINING #3 – The problem with emotional style is that it makes it difficult for you to win


Your personal Executive Leadership Coaching Experience will take you on a journey focusing on exploring and improving your emotional intelligence and behavioural skills.

Get FeedForward from work colleagues and Coach Mike. Let us all help you maximise your performance and reach your peak potential 

We’ll engage with the following online tests to get you measurable results…

dr mike gosling accreditations

What if - ON THIS STRATEGY CALL - you discovered the one thing that's been holding you back?

What if it meant that you too could go from where you are now to where you want to be or achieve in the future in the next 30-days?

It would be worthwhile attending a strategy session, yes?

Hit the “APPLY FOR COACHING NOW” button below to register (before it’s too late)…

I look forward to speaking with you.

Life is good.
Dr Mike Gosling

mike gosling corporate clients